Saturday, April 07, 2007

random thoughts

1. western christianity --- do we limit God? do we only see a portion of what He is capable of because of fear or what?

2. materialism -- it's used to distract us from spiritual pursuits because it keeps "me" first and not God

3. i feel like i'm missing my other half.

4. i am sad.

5. drivers in charlotte are not very kind.

6. Jesus died so that i might live.

7. In my current state of sadness, I relate more to Christ and take comfort in the fact that He experienced sadness and loss in His life. It's one of the reasons he took human form -- so that He could identify with us.

Those are my random thoughts for tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He was a man of "sorrows."
I like your honesty here, your vulnerability is showing through.
Brokeness and Humility are keys to growth.