Friday, July 27, 2007

Urban Dictionary

Word of the day from here


1. American bonehead.
2. Pull a Homer: to succeed despite idiocy.

"Looks like I just pulled a Homer!"
- Magic Johnson, after slipping on water and having the ball fly out of his hands, off a ref's head, and into the basket for the game winning three pointer.

BoSue Twinklepants

This is the avatar I created!!!

Meet Fifi Simpson

This is my Simpsons avatar a la John Murphy.


Thank goodness I'm not the only one who thinks Crocs are awful!

Monday, July 23, 2007


Saw this on Craig's List. It's real.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Audience of One

I spend a lot of time desiring the approval of others -- family, friends, co-workers, whomever. Lately, I've been more and more aware of the need to only be concerned with the approval of One. Scripture is clear on the fact that we need only be concerned with what God thinks of us, not anyone else. Christian radio doesn't often have a lot going for it, but every once in awhile I will catch a really good song. This is one of them. The words are very appropriate and express a lot of what I'm feeling right now.

Audience of One
Big Daddy Weave

come on my knees
To lay down before you
Bringing all that I am
Longing only to know you
Seeking your face
And not only your hand
I find you embracing me
Just as I am

And I lift these songs
To you and you alone
As I sing to you
In my praises make your home

To my audience of one
You are Father, and you are Son
As your spirit flows free,
Let it find within me
A heart that beats to praise you.
And now just to know you more
Has become my great reward
To see your kingdom come
And your will be done
I only desire to be yours,

So what could I bring
To honor your majesty
What song could I sing
That would move the heart of royalty
And all that I have
Is the life that you’ve given me
So Lord let me live for you
My song with humility

And Lord as the love song
Of my life is played
I have one desire
To bring glory to your name

To my audience of one
You are Father, and you are Son
As your spirit flows free,
Let it find within me
A heart that beats to praise you.
And now just to know you more
Has become my great reward
To see your kingdom come
And your will be done
I only desire to be yours,

And we lift these songs
To you and you alone
As we sing to you
In our praises make your home

To my audience of one
You are Father, and you are Son
As your spirit flows free,
Let it find within me
A heart that beats to praise you.
And now just to know you more
Has become my great reward
To see your kingdom come
And your will be done
I only desire to be yours,

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

And while we're on the subject of churches...

Check out the latest news from the Vatican


My friend Christy posted her response to this article here.

What I'd like to find in a church

A place that will encourage me to respond to the Lord in authentic, reverent worship; a place that will encourage me to grow in my relationship with Jesus Chirst through prayer, preaching of the Word, fellowship with other believers, and service to the Lord and others.

Monday, July 09, 2007


My faith is always strengthened a little bit more when I realize that God cares about the most minute (mi-newt) details of my life. For example, I bought a book of stamps about a month ago. This is a big deal to me because I never do it and it always makes me feel a little bit more "adult" and responsible for some reason. Like, if I ever get the urge to write a note to someone or if I have to send out a bill, it's not going to wait on being sent out du to me not having a stamp. Neurotic? Maybe.
So, anyway, I lost this book of stamps about a day or two after buying it. Thank goodness I sent out my bills on time. I felt accomplished.
Then, the next time I went to mail something, they were gone. I searched high. I searched low. I felt very sad about these lost stamps which featured the Liberty Bell.
Just moments ago as I was scrounging for change in the deep recesses of my purse, I opened up my wallet hoping with all hope to find a quarter or two mashed deep down in the pocket NOT intended for loose change. What did I see instead? A faint edge of that Liberty Bell. Yes!
So now I can feel responsible all over again.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


Originally uploaded by Schmizzly
Filet, loaded baked potato and asparagus, oh my! This was a great meal shared with Steve at Main Street Bistro in the booming metropolis of Gastonia, North Carolina. We had an awesome time with the Finks over a nice, drawn out dinner. We had good wine, a great appetizer (Crabtini--lump crabmeat with little crunchies and drawn butter). Another great part of our evening was our server whose name we think is Lisa. She was funny. She told us she was a bit trashy because she loved beer. So, whe was no help in choosing which wine would accompany our meal. While Randy and Steve were ogling Steve's iPhone, she came up and was genuinely awestruck. She said it was just like a tv! hahahaha.
Anyway, it's always fun to share a great dinner with great friends!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

cali alli and me

cali alli and me
Originally uploaded by Schmizzly
awww. i miss my friend Gigi. she is too far away in the UK. i think i may have to journey over to see her soon. we used to have the best chats. she is a dear, dear friend-a kindred spirit. we first bonded over being narcissism. not ours of course! ha! yes folks, and that was the beginning of a beee auiful friendship.

too cool for school

too cool for school
Originally uploaded by Schmizzly
and this is what happens when you have a glass of wine and billy joel is playing in the background.
(photo taken last summer at Big Bear Lake, CA while vacationing with Mimi and Gigi)

i always wondered

i always wondered
Originally uploaded by Schmizzly
Just in case you were wondering too. If you can't read the sign, it says that when you see the pink rump on a female baboon, it means she is fertile. All I can say at this juncture is thank God we are not designed like that. Women have enough arse issues -- can you imagine if we had to deal with this?

Blonde and short

Originally uploaded by Schmizzly
I think I like my hair like this best. I was just perusing some old photos on Flickr and came across this shot. It's shorter and I like the color.
My hair is getting long, but I just don't think long hair is my best look. I'm not fishing for compliments here. I'm just processing. Hair is a big deal. And I still haven't found a great stylist/colorist here in Charlotte. Oh well. There are worse things.

Monday, July 02, 2007

More than meets the eye!

tonight was a good night. It started with gal pal time (thanks holly and christy!!) at Sushi 101 and then finished with a movie date with Steve-o. Guess what movie we saw? Ahem.

If you are a child of the 80's and were ever into this cartoon, i believe you will LOVE this movie. it has action, humor, and great effects (visual and sound). i personally loved the sound of the robots transforming -- all kinds of clicks and stuff. very cool.

the acting (of the humans) or should i say, overacting, was a bit much at times-- especially the australian signal/frequency analyst girl. particulary good was the character of sam witwicky. i have no clue if the spelling is right, but i'm too lazy to google or imdb it and it's 12:15AM which is way past my bedtime. i will not spoil at all, but let's just say that i enjoyed the special relationship that developed between a man and his car. too cute. and sam was funny and cute and really endearing. he is the nerd. i love nerds.

there are several moments where this movie looks like Top Gun -- especially scenes where the guys are boarding the F-16s while the dramatic soundtrack is playing. no volleyball scenes between humans and robots though. disappointing! i was almost waiting to develop a crush on one of the autobots. would it have been Jazz? or the obvious choice, Optimus Prime? Hmm. tough call.

i was informed by Steven (a constant source of information to me) that this was a "ride" movie. it's true. you feel like you've been on a fun ride for a couple of hours. lots of oooos and ahhhhs. i left a happy camper and i didn't feel woozy or throw up. this is positive!

so, go see it!