Monday, July 09, 2007


My faith is always strengthened a little bit more when I realize that God cares about the most minute (mi-newt) details of my life. For example, I bought a book of stamps about a month ago. This is a big deal to me because I never do it and it always makes me feel a little bit more "adult" and responsible for some reason. Like, if I ever get the urge to write a note to someone or if I have to send out a bill, it's not going to wait on being sent out du to me not having a stamp. Neurotic? Maybe.
So, anyway, I lost this book of stamps about a day or two after buying it. Thank goodness I sent out my bills on time. I felt accomplished.
Then, the next time I went to mail something, they were gone. I searched high. I searched low. I felt very sad about these lost stamps which featured the Liberty Bell.
Just moments ago as I was scrounging for change in the deep recesses of my purse, I opened up my wallet hoping with all hope to find a quarter or two mashed deep down in the pocket NOT intended for loose change. What did I see instead? A faint edge of that Liberty Bell. Yes!
So now I can feel responsible all over again.

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