Thursday, January 31, 2008


I saw something yesterday morning that I never have seen before: monogrammed initials on the back window of an SUV. Yep, this is the South.

Like this, but Scripty in font -- much more preppy.

monogram decal

Without further adieu....

Single. 31.

So, I've been out of a relationship for about 4 months now. I have been blessed to meet some really cool people lately. And yes, there are several guys in the mix. I've read some books lately that have gotten me to thinking about this guy/girl thing -- one of them being Passion & Purity. Now, ladies, you know how it is when you meet that guy that you think is the bee's knees (why that means great, i really don't know) and your heart is so full and you just feel the need to tell him. Well, this flies in the face of anything Elizabeth Elliot would say. She says to keep it to yourself. Do NOT put it out on the table. Do not force the guy to act/react.

Don't you think that's difficult? I think that, as a result of the fall, we women like to be in control of certain things. (i'm putting a new spin on that verse in Genesis. I think my interpretation is "and her desire will always be for her POTENTIAL husband. hahaha). Well, maybe we don't really like that about ourselves, but we lean that way. I know that I've done this a couple of times. Most recently, I voiced to a guy friend of mine that I sometimes wondered about "us". I got shot down in a blaze of glory. No, it really wasn't that dramatic, (I should note that I did this BEFORE I read the wise words of Elizabeth Elliot.), but he just isn't into me. The funny thing is that this is the 2nd time it had happened to me with this guy. I don't really know what I was thinking and what I thought I would gain from "putting it out there" again, but I did. The one positive thing is that I do feel free from that situation.

One of the biggest revelations that I've had recently is that God is in charge. No really. He is. In matters of the heart, it is the Lord that puts a desire for a person in another person's heart. It's not up to me to "make" a guy love me. It's not my looks, my wit, my jokes, my awesome driving record, my cooking skills or anything like that. The Lord sparks that desire. This takes a lot of pressure off of me. For a long time, I have felt that it's in my control. Not true. And really, thank God. If things were in my control, my life would have taken some possibly strange turns. Anyhooo....

But what does that mean for me? Single, 31, wanting to be a wife and a mom someday. Right now, in this moment, it means that I have the freedom to get to know amazing people and continue to invest in some already deeply rooted friendships. I get to be Auntie Steph to precious Vivian Fink. I get to spend time in groups talking to really cool guys. Maybe one of them will be into me. Maybe not. Not every guy I dig is going to dig me. I know, it's hard to believe. ;)

Another nugget of wisdom that I've heard lately: it only takes one.

So, I'm going to keep on living my life, pouring myself into my friendships and my small group and my family.

Single and 31. It's not over yet. I still have hope!!! And the truth is, I'm kind of excited.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New post coming...promise!

I'm sure you've just about given up on me ever posting anything new, original or thought provoking. Well, don't give up yet. I am going to post soon on the topic of guy/girl friendships -- what I've learned and what I'm learning. Okay, hope that is a nice little teaser for you.
Love you, miss you and all that good stuff!