Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sleep deprivation

If last night is any indication of how life will be when a baby comes on the scene in my life, I'm going to have a hard time.

I moved into an apartment a week and a day ago. My parents were the first ones to sleep in my place and the following day, my dad said there was a baby next door and it had woken him up with its crying. All last week, I heard no baby in the middle of the night. I did hear it whimper around 7 one night, but it didn't bother me because my bed time is not 7pm.

The last two nights have been a different story altogether. Sunday night, I woke up to slight whimpering along with the sounds of tv and talking. Last night, the baby was crying loudly. Putting the pillow over my head didn't help. I actually got up and made a bed on the couch. I was cold. I was unhappy. Some time later (I have no idea how much time actually passed), I got up and went back to my bed. I did fall asleep and so had the baby at this point. The alarm went off this morning and I felt like I had only slept 2 hours.

I have no idea what to do. Do I complain? I mean, a baby will cry. But am I just supposed to go back and forth between my couch and my bed for the next few months? How miserable is that?

*Sigh. Apartment living. This is what I get!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Maybe you could invest in a white noise machine. Or better yet, leave one at your neighbor's doorstep as an anonymous gift for the baby!