Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Eu stay what?

Eustachian tubes. I am having issues with mine. In my left ear, I hear the ocean....all the time. It's a gentle roar that has become quite annoying. We went to this Mexican place for lunch that had a really high ceiling so it was pretty loud. So take that plus my "hard of hearing " self and so it was a lot of "What? Sorry? What did you say?" It's so frustrating!

I think that when I was sick a little over a month ago, I should have finished the decongestant and possibly should have gotten the antibiotic. I think this is the result of that. This is the best case scenario.

My boss alluded to the possibility of me having a brain tumor. I should not have googled "brain tumor symptoms". It only made my paranoia worse.

So now, I have spent $35 to have the doctor tell me to go get some Claritin D! Geez!

**Update: I spent an additional $40 on Allegra D. I asked for the generic, but alas, there is no generic for this one yet!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Et tu Steph? Adam is also having trouble with his ear! When we all got sick a few weeks ago, his version of the bug was a nasty ear infection and he still can't hear out of that ear. I researched it on the net and from what I can gather (I ALWAYS believe everything I read on the world wide web) the hearing loss should only be temporary. Man, seventy-five buckaroos...those drugs better help you!