Thursday, September 21, 2006

30 cont'd

So, the other night I got together with Lainey Pants, Murphacious, Jeneenee and Robaroo for another birthday celebration at Zambra's. I met Rob and Jenee a couple years ago. Holly, a friend from Charlotte, was in town and she Murph and I were walking around downtown. She had to use the facilities and we walked past Izzy's. Of course they had a bathroom, but we were kindly, but firmly informed that in order to use it, we'd have to purchase. And that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

I love Rob and Jenee. On top of having the coolest coffee den, they're good people. Honest, real and fun. They are my friends and I'm proud of that. There have been many mornings that I've started out at Izzy's and ended up being late, but haven't cared. I'd rather start my morning out there! I'm a regular and they know my drink. I think this is the first time I've been considered a regular in that they honestly can 99.9% of the time bank on me ordering a Soy Latte. It's great to be known.

Anyway, back to Zambra's. We had a waiter named John, whom we dubbed Jean for the evening. We ate lots of tasty tapas and had lovely wine and even dessert. We scribbled on the tablepaper and laughed a ton. We wore crazy things in our hair. We took lots of photos. We laughed some more.

I'll miss these friends particularly. They've really added to my life in a short period of time.

I'm blessed.

The end.

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