Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Will I leave my heart in San Francisco?

That is the question.

I am so excited. This time tomorrow (EST), Steve and I will be in the air somewhere over the western half of the United States and making our way to San Francisco. What am I most excited about? ALCATRAZ. For those of you who have seen So I Married An Axer Murderer, you get part of this. It's such a place of intrigue. Its walls and cells hold so many stories. Some of these stories will be told via the audio tour and I can't wait.

Steve and I are booked on a 48 hour hop on/hop off bus tour. We figured it was the best way to see the city in a limited amount of time! This includes a downtown loop, a Golden Gate loop and then a night loop of the city.

Another thing I'm excited about is the cuisine -- there's so much to choose from out there. Thanks to John Murphy, who lived there for a few years, we will be able to navigate to some of the local hot spots.

I'm also looking to forward to capturing images of this fantastic city with my new camera! A dream of mine would be to have some good enough shots to display in a show of some sort. Steve is really encouraging me in this endeavor and I'm so thankful for that.

So, perhaps I'll leave my heart or part of it. We'll just have to see!

1 comment:

Marty said...

Have a great time Steph, and take the audio tour at Alcatraz. It's really interesting!

Also, go to In-N-Out Burgers on Fisherman's Wharf and have french fries.