Thursday, March 29, 2007

Seeing you

Your sweet face.
I came to adore it -- scruffy and all.
Seeing you tonight made me feel differently than I thought I would in that situation.
No, I don't regret our decision.
I'm still sad.
Sad for what could have been and what we wanted.

Your sweet eyes.
They hold within them such care
and genuine concern.
I was lucky the lucky one to be viewed through these eyes
your eyes.

Your strong hands.
They held mine when I needed to feel loved
and assured
that I was going to be okay
or just when you wanted to be closer.

(Remember how we'd laugh when we'd sit in movies and we could never get our arms in the right position to hold hands comfortably?) I do.

Your heart.
It was always so full for me.

Seeing you makes it all fresh in my mind.
I'm so thankful for you--
for what you meant to me,
for what you mean to me.

1 comment:

Steven Mast said...

wow... Reading those thoughts makes me sad. You mean a great deal to me too and the memories have also been flooding back. I was thinking today of this certain expression that you make that I've always loved. You have this huge smile from ear to ear and your head is tilted up at me and you are waiting in anticipation for one of my belly laughs. It's really cute. It's strange to see myself reflected through your eyes. You're such a lovely girl.... this will be hard.