Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Warm it up

I've seen An Inconvenient Truth. And truth be told, it did disturb me. Now, since I'm a Christian, I know that God has a plan for this earth and we humans can't do anything change what's been set in motion. That's my opinion at least. Now, I'm all about being a good steward of what we've been given. I think it's responsible and right to recycle, to use less energy, to drive less, etc. I don't think we can reverse the tide though.

Anyway, I was just reading this article on Al Gore and how he has become this polarizing figure in the scientific community. Even the scientists who agree with him, want him to pipe the heck down. Many scientists agree that there were many inaccuracies in the film.

What is the result of this film?

Well, as usual, our society will take Al's word for it. We like people telling us what to think so we don't have to. Basically, the movie concludes that the planet is dying and we don't have any hope except to save it ourselves. How sad.

Our society educates itself via the film industry. Many of us (including myself) watch movies and take them as truth. Movies are good for entertainment at the very least. At best, they do make us think and challenge us. So, watching An Inconvenient Truth should make us take a step further into educating ourselves about what's really going on. Don't let it stop at the concession stand.

As a Christian, I find great comfort in knowing that this Earth is not my home. My home is in heaven. This earth and everything in it (both ugly and majestic) will pass away. I think we see evidence of this happening sooner rather than later. I'm not going to get all "end times" on you. I'm just saying that there are signs and you should pay attention to them.

And now to be super cliche: Live like today may indeed be your last. Live like you may not see tomorrow. Treat others like like you may not see again. It will change you. And, if you do call yourself a Christian, well, act like Christ did. Be evidence in the case for Christ. Make a lasting impression.

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