Monday, September 22, 2008

Thoughts from Sunday

So Bruce was talking about giving yesterday -- not just about money, but of your time, of yourself. And the motive not being about what it can get you, but more of giving as an outpouring of the passion that God has instilled in you.

A couple of things I jotted down were:

"Until your heart is captivated by gratitude, you will wait." You will just sit around and let life pass you by until you tap into that passion that resides within and it motivates you to act.

"What would be too much?" How much giving is too much? I'll let you ponder that one.

"You've got to get your passion." "You've got to know who you are."

Amen and amen. I'm still processing, but this resonates with me. I'm on the path to discovery...

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