Friday, August 22, 2008


Okay, I must hurry and post this entry because I need to be at work early this morning, but I had to get this out there into cyberspace.

Racewalker (not my image)

Since when did Race Walking become an Olympic event? Last night, I was watching the Olympics with some friends and one moment we're watching the USA drop batons (both men and women) and the next moment, we're watching some women walk really, really fast.

I guess the one exciting thing that happens during this event is that if you even look like you're about to jog or both feet come off the pavement just a little bit, some "referee" jumps in your face out of nowhere and flashes a yellow card! I don't know if they say anything or just flash the card, but it's the ONLY entertaining or interesting thing about this event. Oh wait, it is kind of interesting how it seems that the legs of the walkers almost seem doublejointed. And Scott asked the question, "why must they wear the same outfits as marathoners?" Is it really necessary to wear the little bitty bottoms and the sports bra to walk really fast?

The winner, who walked REALLY fast (of course), looked like she was in a great deal of pain as she entered the Bird's Nest last night. And people were cheering awfully loud for her. I repeat, they were cheering REALLY loud for a race walker. Odd, I tell you -- very, very odd. So she finished and then all the other guessed it.....walked really fast to the finish line. It doesn't even SOUND right. UGH.

Okay, enough about the racewalkers.....I need to go get ready for work. And, by the way, I'm going to walk very fast everywhere I go today.


Marty said...

I helped cover the Goodwill Games for a newspaper in Long Island in 1998, and I was there for the racewalk final! I share your sentiments--I've never seen anything quite like it. In that race, one of the leaders was making his final lap around the track and suddenly turned his head to the side and spewed out a bunch of vomit. He never broke his stride and finished the race. I think he may have gotten second place. Apparently racewalking, and watching racewalking, is not for the weak of stomach.

Fifi said...

Marty, that is hilarious. I never would have thought you could over-exert yourself to the point of puking!