Friday, June 06, 2008


So I was reading someone's blog this morning and they said how they turn to music when things in life aren't going exactly right. I find I do the same thing. Music seems to transport me out of the current disappointing moments to a place of happiness and where things seem to be all right. My friend Luke, my constant source of all musical goodness turned me on to this group, Minipop. It is sheer pop heaven. I encourage you all to listen. Here's a vid from youtube so you can have just a taste. They're bad ass -- a female drummer AND lead singer. (By the way, a flock of geese just flew overhead -- barely above the treeline and "honked" at me. What does that mean?

And it's almost 7am and I'm supposed to be in the shower getting ready for work, but I'm sitting on my front stoop blogging. Go figure. Oh and it's going to be a hot one today, Charlotte folks. Bloody hot.

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