Monday, June 30, 2008

Crazy week

So this weekend felt like a total loss and one that went by way too quickly. I am moving this weekend -- just across town -- but still, it's a pain to move ANYWHERE. I hate packing. I hate even thinking about packing. UGH.
On top of moving, I am trying to get back up to speed with my tri training. I was on vacation 2 weeks ago and then last week, a couple of days were thrown off due to orientation for my new job up in Raleigh. I planned to get back into it full force this week, but due to packing and moving, I have a feeling I need to lower expectations.

For those of you who read this blog, pray that I can get packed a little at a time this week. I don't have to be out until July 8th, but I'd like to get settled in at the new place this weekend so I can just come back and clean after that.

Oh and the new job is going well. It's fun to be back at a law firm. I know it's going to be a challenge, but I'm up to it. I just pray I can do a good job and that they will be glad they hired me!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Are you buying a place? Or moving to save on gas or some other reason? Are you commuting up to Raleigh from Charlotte? I hate moving too.

I'll be praying for you...