Thursday, October 19, 2006


rang out like a bell.

at 3:15am, i woke with a start to the sound of 5 gunshots. i'm currently living with my friends Randy and Emily in their suburban home here in Charlotte, NC. they often don't lock their doors and i have felt pretty safe until now. Randy called the police to report it. I'm pretty positive they were gunshots. i haven't personally heard gunshots before, but I have no idea what else it could have been. I'm pretty sure firecracker season is over. I hope that no one is found dead nearby -- or that the shooter is anywhere in proximity to here. Geez. I haven't felt my heart beat like that in awhile. The funny thing is that I went right back to bed because all I could think of was, "oh my gosh. it's 3:15am. i only have 3 more hours of sleep!"

anyway, good times in the city.

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