Thursday, October 26, 2006

blog envy

so, yeah, i admit it. i am envious of a friend's blog. it just seems so much cooler than my own-- more funny, more photos, more humor. and it gets a heckuva lot more traffic than my very own. what does that say about me? well, it shouldn't make me feel bad about my blog. my life isn't boring. i think i'm somewhat interesting. i think i post cute photos. no, i'm not a popular blogger. i'll get no rewards for "coolest blog ever", but it's mine. their my thoughts, my photos, my dumb ramblings. that's worth SOMETHING. i needed to write this so i could see it. i'm tired of feeling that my blog is no big deal. i know people have read my blog. i don't get a lot of comments, but that shouldn't matter. i'm blogging for me, not for the readers. i hope that you, whoever you are, get something out of this. maybe you share my sentiments about something. maybe you think the photos are nice. maybe you see through a small window into my life. maybe something i say makes you smile. i can only hope.

holy cow, i can draw a spiritual parallel here, folks. hold on to your hats! in the daily christian life, it's easy to get distracted and think we have to live for others. we live for their approval of what we do, say, etc. as a Christian, the only approval i need is that of Christ. everything, everyone else is just fluff. but man, it's so hard to live like that on a daily basis.

i love the lyrics of the hymn "Come Thou Fount"

there's this line, "prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love"

that's me...most every day. and the sad thing is that i do leave Him. the good news is that He doesn't behave the same way I do.

okay, so that was a tangent. but it works. i am happy with this post tonight. and i hope you have sweet dreams wherever you are. you and you and you.


Anonymous said...

I like your blog--I check it at least once a day. Plus I think your blog looks cool and you have cool pictures and cool posts. And I like having a small window on your new life in Charlotte. So you've got one loyal reader, for what it's worth. Love you--Amy O.

Fifi said...

it's worth a lot! thanks amy o.!

Anonymous said...

I think your blog has a lot of merit. You are working hard to be vulnerable and you are getting good at it. That is important. You are a brave girl. I am proud of you.