Thursday, March 06, 2008

I have a lot to say today

So bear with me. I'll put it in different posts because the thoughts are all over the place: reflections on Charlotte One, music, spiritual stuff, etc.

I'll start with this:

Last night I was chatting with my friend Lisa who is going through a tough time. I shared some of my current "stuff" and we vowed to pray for each other. This morning, I get to work, sit down and open my e-mail. As I'm scrolling through, a new email pops up from Lisa. Her email included a devotional that is for today, March 6. It is amazing how appropo it is to her life and to mine -- and really to any of us who are waiting on the Lord.

March 6

"Behold I cry out of wrong, but I am not heard. I cry aloud, but there is no judgment." Job 19:7

When God seems indifferent, He is often most concerned. We may imagine that He does not care, when He permits us to pass through affliction, grief, and sorrow. Our prayers may seem to be unheard. The heavens appear to be brass above us. But all the time He is looking down upon us in sympathy and compassion, as to magnify His grace and glorify His name. He is actively engaged on our behalf even when we as yet fail to realize it. What is needed is that we learn not only to wait on Him in faith, but to wait for Him in patience.

"God's no means something better
I can trust Him with my all
The God who formed the universe
Attendeth when I call
And when in love and wisdom
He withholds my heart's request
His no means something better
He will give me what is best

God's wait a while's bring blessings
That His right away's withhold
When He's tried me in the fire
I shall then come forth as gold
Oh, what peace it brings in sorrow
And what comfort fills my breast
Just to know, whate'er His answer
He will give me what is best!

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