Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Big O


Yes, well, this was the end to a fun evening of Charlotte Bobcats basketball -- me and the Big 0. Who could resist this shot? Not I!!
Steve, me, Emily and Holly ventured to Bobcats arena for an evening of NBA basketball. Highlights were this over emotional fan who got way too excited/upset/both over things that were ridiculous to seasoned basketball fans like myself. Did I mention this was my first NBA game? HA! The lady next to me seemed to think his behavior was laughable and so I went along with it. No, really, he was really funny. The other highlight was these 2 kids behind us who chanted "Bob....cats....Bob....cats....Bob.....cats" for at least 30 minutes straight. We thought it would be cute to chant with them. It was cute for 30 seconds, but then they would not shut up. Another highlight was the photoshoot with "the claw" -- the claw belonged to a little boy that sat in front of us who had made a nacho run. i thought he may, at any time, run up the steps screaming, "that's nacho claw! NAAAAA CHO CLAWWWWWWWW!" but he didn't. phewwww. so, we managed to get a few good shots. rarrrr! okay, and yes steve, i did like your nuts. those peanuts were tasty. sorry for being such a snack snob. let's not forget Big O. i knew from the moment i laid eyes on him, i had to get my photo with him. so yeah, good times in Charlotte tonight! Unfortunately, Charlotte lost the game. Pacers Stink, Bobcats rule....errrr not tonight, i guess. Posted by Picasa

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