Wednesday, November 29, 2006

so much to say. not much to say

there are times when i sit here wanting to blog, but find myself not being able to come up with something. it's not that there's nothing going on in my life. sometimes i can't blog about certain things-- things that are too personal that i can't put them to words here. life is hard. that sums it up pretty nicely. anyone who argues with me on that point simply cannot be living. you can't exist here in this world without some kind of suffering. there are those who definitely seem to suffer more than the rest of us. some people suffer quietly and there are those who suffer quite loud and even blog about it incessantly. i won't do that. all i wanted to write tonight is that i'm not much in the mood for a funny blog moment. i'm more pensive tonight. i pray those of you who stumble upon this entry won't feel sorry or worry too much. just say a prayer for those in your life who may be going through hard times whether it be sickness, mental illnes, family issues, financial issues, etc.. pray for their strength and that God will sustain them. i trust He will.

Monday, November 27, 2006

It's about that time

You ask, "What time?" It's time to break out the old VHS, DVD, or to go rent one of the funniest Christmas movies of all time! National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!!! Go pop some corn and find a warm spot on the couch and get your cheeks warmed up to laugh laugh and laugh some more.

Some of my favorite moments from this movie:
1. The department store shopping scene.
2. The scene where Clark gets locked up in the attic.
3. The dog/squirrel chase, and
4. The "dry" turkey (well the whole dinner scene is quite funny).

Monday, November 20, 2006

Fair treatment?

I just read an article about Michael Richards (best known for his role as Kramer on Seinfeld) and how he let loose a string of racial insults and some African American audience members who were heckling his act in L.A. My immediate thought went to Mel Gibson's drunken incident a few months ago when he vented some racial slurs directed at Jews while being arrested for drunk driving. I am curious to see how the media portrays Richards. Will he get the same treatment as Mel? He wasn't drunk when he went off on his tirade; he was merely being heckled. Michael Richards was already invited on the Letterman show to apologize. He appears to be remorseful (but so was Mel) Would Mel have gotten the same opportunity? My initial response is no. I think that because Mel is a professing Christian, Hollywood and the media are focused in on demonizing him. He has been blacklisted by many in his field. I, in no way, want to excuse what Mel did. It was wrong. Racism of any kind is wrong. But really, I hope I am proved wrong. I don't wish mistreatment on Mr. Richards. We are human. We make mistakes. At the core, we are sinful creatures anyway - that ugliness is bound to spew out on occasion. Thank the Lord for his grace to us. I hope that the media is fair and brings just as much attention to Michael Richard's mistake as they did to Mel's. What do you think?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Be Positive!

It's my blood type y'all: B+

I gave blood today. Next time you see the sign for a blood drive, sign up! It's an easy way to serve your fellow man. It's a good deed. Really, it does make a difference. We don't need ALL the blood we've got; God created us with a little more just so we could give a pint or two away! Take a little time out of your day and do something nice for your fellow man or woman. It feels good! Well, the actual giving doesn't always feel great, but you know what I mean!

A quote I need to live by

A "no" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a "yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.
-Mahatma Gandhi

I think I'll begin a blog series entitled "Codependency sucks!" This will be blog #2 in that series. #1 would be the previous blog entitled "disappoinment". I am pretty proud of myself for identifying some of the patterns in my life that need changing and the desire to do something about it!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Do you need a little sumpin' sumpin' to make you smile?

i just saw this on a fellow blogger's site, (ttomlinson):

"The Church of Snoop Dogg

I love it when churches try to be hip. Last night I saw this sign in front of New Hope Missionary Baptist on Hawthorne Lane:


DOH!!! THAT is funny stuff.

Monday, November 13, 2006


to think i could be disappointing anyone is almost too much to bear. my "pleaser" personality always wants to make sure everyone is happy ... and happy with me. when i know people are disappointed over something i am doing or have done, it hurts. i still haven't quite learned that i need to let people feel how they're going to feel and be okay with that -- even if it means they're disappointed with me.

Fresh Air

Steve and I went to see Terry Gross of NPR's Fresh Air yesterday. She played sound bytes of different interviews she's had over the years. The sound bytes were from interviews with George Clooney, Gene Simmons, Lynn Cheney, and Peter Boyle among others. It was really interesting to hear people get upset with her, joke with her and reveal things that were quite surprising! She's very good at what she does and has a good sense of humor too. If you haven't tuned into Fresh Air, you should start today. You can stream it at or find out what time it comes on your local NPR station (WFAE in Charlotte, y'all).

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Jump Little Children

I refuse to call them JUMP. i can't. i followed them all through college and i can't accept the name change -- especially after they've stopped playing together now.

anyway, i was just listening to itunes and because i live with Emily and her husband, Randy, i can access their iTunes folder! well, what yummy goodness i have stumbled upon??? The Buzz by JLC. this lesser known album holds such awesome tuenes as I Can Feel You, Easter Parade and Innocent Kiss. Oh, how i enjoy these tunes; they take me back (did i use that semicolon correctly?).

Saturday, November 11, 2006

do you ever wonder if....

you'll ever figure out who "you" really are? you spend (in my case 30) years being influenced by so many people and ideas. so many of them make us what we are. but then when you try to strip down to the nakedness that is "you", what is there? are the firmly held convictions really convictions or are they other people's convictions that you've taken on as your own?
i wonder about these things.

Dim Sum update

It was DIM YUMMMMMMMMM. i was a bit nervous when we walked in and the only people eating were a dad and his two young sons. i guess i should have been encouraged in that they were chinese and therefore eating at this establishment was a good sign!
anyway, after moving to a table at the front of the restaurant where there was some air circulation (we had been put in a back corner), we ordered a few dished. we love love loved the pork dumplings. i have no clue what the chinese name was, but they were so good. there was only one dish that i didn't like -- it was some sort of crepe with shrimp inside. to balance out the not so nutritional dim sum, we ordered some stir fry veggies with tofu and they were awesome -- very fresh and tasty. i'll definitely go back and get SUM more. :)
for you charlotteans, try Dim Sum at 2920 Central Avenue.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Dim Sum = Dim Yum?

So, this is what we're dining on tonight. I'm a dim sum virgin so I hope that it's not a let down.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Derek Webb is amazing

So, i have to admit, i was a bit skeptical about the Derek Webb concert tickets that Steve had bought yesterday. I did like Caedmon's call, but I only bought one of their cds ever. Also, I felt like they were the Christian Dave Matthew's Band. I'm just being honest. But Derek Webb, the former frontman for Caedmon's, has struck out on his own and, does he have a voice!!! I'm not just talking about how good he sounds either, I'm talking about his message. He is so honest about how following Christ is hard. It's not easy and he said if it's easy, you may have to doublecheck to see if you're really following Christ. Also, he has a social conscience, which is refreshing to see in a Christian. He feels the conflict of so many of we Christians in today's culture. Those of us who don't want to be stereotyped as always being right wing, hating gays, wanting to execute everyone, and just hating anyone who disagrees with Republican agenda. There are those of us who look around at what's going on in the world and then try to reconcile the message of Christ and go, "Huh?" So many Christians (and I include myself here) have been guilty of letting others deal with our social issues when so many of the issues are clearly our responsibility to take action against. The poor, for example. We're supposed to take care of them, but we can't get our hands dirty or hold back a few dollars to give to someone in need. What is our problem???? Derek has this song called Rich Young Ruler and it speaks to the very heart of this issue. It just plain speaks to my heart. Here are the lyrics. Let them speak to you:

Rich Young Ruler

(vs. 1)
poverty is so hard to see
when it’s only on your tv and twenty miles across town
where we’re all living so good
that we moved out of Jesus’ neighborhood
where he’s hungry and not feeling so good
from going through our trash
he says, more than just your cash and coin
i want your time, i want your voice
i want the things you just can’t give me

(vs. 2)
so what must we do
here in the west we want to follow you
we speak the language and we keep all the rules
even a few we made up
come on and follow me
but sell your house, sell your suv
sell your stocks, sell your security
and give it to the poor
what is this, hey what’s the deal
i don’t sleep around and i don’t steal
i want the things you just can’t give me

because what you do to the least of these
my brother’s, you have done it to me
because i want the things you just can’t give me


i'll blog about another of his songs tomorrow.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Kills me every time.....

fish climbing


ihear this is all the rage right now, but heed the warning people.....heed the warning! Posted by Picasa

mmmm Dunkin'


i am so glad to be living in a town that has one of these! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The dog I love

Here's 2 photos of Sandy whom I miss tremendously. After not seeing her for a month, she still remembered me last weekend when I visited! Yay for Sandy. She's a super companion and always ready to give a lick when you need it.

The Claw Photoshoot

The Big O


Yes, well, this was the end to a fun evening of Charlotte Bobcats basketball -- me and the Big 0. Who could resist this shot? Not I!!
Steve, me, Emily and Holly ventured to Bobcats arena for an evening of NBA basketball. Highlights were this over emotional fan who got way too excited/upset/both over things that were ridiculous to seasoned basketball fans like myself. Did I mention this was my first NBA game? HA! The lady next to me seemed to think his behavior was laughable and so I went along with it. No, really, he was really funny. The other highlight was these 2 kids behind us who chanted "Bob....cats....Bob....cats....Bob.....cats" for at least 30 minutes straight. We thought it would be cute to chant with them. It was cute for 30 seconds, but then they would not shut up. Another highlight was the photoshoot with "the claw" -- the claw belonged to a little boy that sat in front of us who had made a nacho run. i thought he may, at any time, run up the steps screaming, "that's nacho claw! NAAAAA CHO CLAWWWWWWWW!" but he didn't. phewwww. so, we managed to get a few good shots. rarrrr! okay, and yes steve, i did like your nuts. those peanuts were tasty. sorry for being such a snack snob. let's not forget Big O. i knew from the moment i laid eyes on him, i had to get my photo with him. so yeah, good times in Charlotte tonight! Unfortunately, Charlotte lost the game. Pacers Stink, Bobcats rule....errrr not tonight, i guess. Posted by Picasa