Friday, February 09, 2007

Bitten tongue

I have never felt the need to bite my tongue so much as I do now. I start to write an e-mail, but then I stop. Why do I care so much? That is the question that I keep asking myself over and over again. Every stinking time I get upset about this situation, I want to react. But the I don't. I simply call my "sounding board" and sound off. Thankfully, the sounding board is a great listener and then tells me that I shouldn't worry about it. Let it be. And so I do.

And so now I wonder about the term "sounding board". A sounding board, by definition, isn't supposed to respond, is it? But if it just sat there unresponsive, it would be no fun, would it?

1 comment:

John said...

To recap our phone convo: go with your gut. If you want to tell it to the person straight, then please do. We already know this individual does not take critique well, and lashes out violently to any criticism. If it brings you peace to speak your mind, then do so, regardless of the violent and very public verbal lashing you'll get as a result. It's only words. You can take it. Chose your words carefully and use examples where possible.

If you choose to keep your feelings to yourself, that's of course your business and you have my support. Go with God.