Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Urgent care

Today is the fifth day of being sick. This is the second cold I've had since moving to C-town, NC. I hope this isn't a sign. Anyway, I pride myself on not getting sick. I'm usually quite the picture of health. This is what I get for being prideful. It's not the flu, but it's the sick where you feel all the pressure in your head and you're constantly blowing your nose and if you're not blowing your nose, you're coughing these awful coughs. It really IS amazing how the body can produce such amounts of phlegm in such a seeminly short period of time.

So today I decided to put my new insurance to use. I left on my lunch break thinking I'd be back around 3pm. You know what I'm talking about! You go to "urgent" care knowing that there's no URGENCY in the place. i suppose if i was dying or coughing up blood and not phleghm they'd sit up and stop playing solitaire. well, that's the attitude i used to have. today, i walked in, was greeted by a friendly nurse and proceeded to fill out the appropriate paper work. after about 10 minutes, i was called to the back. and at this point i'm thinking, "oh yeah, here's where the waiting begins." not so! i was just about to get to the nitty gritty of TomKat's wedding day highights in People when the doctor knocked on the door!

For the next 10 minutes or so, we chatted, he took my vitals, he listened to me, etc. dr. withrow was professional and (let me bold this part) did not just prescribe me an antibiotic to get me out the door!
he said i have a viral infection, but that it could turn into something more. so, he gave me a decongestant (which i need) and then also gave me an antibiotic to take only if i didn't see improvement in the next couple of days! he actually said, "doctors prescribe them too much." i was impressed.

so, i am sitting here blogging, waiting for my decongestant to take effect. my head feels like it's in some sort of a vice. ugghh.

be well. take airborne or emergen-C or whatever it is that you can take to PREVENT getting this virus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is inspirational! I'm serious--it gives me hope for urgent care centers everywhere! Get better from your virus soon...
Amy O.
p.s. You're just getting immunized to C-town.