Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Derek Webb is amazing

So, i have to admit, i was a bit skeptical about the Derek Webb concert tickets that Steve had bought yesterday. I did like Caedmon's call, but I only bought one of their cds ever. Also, I felt like they were the Christian Dave Matthew's Band. I'm just being honest. But Derek Webb, the former frontman for Caedmon's, has struck out on his own and, does he have a voice!!! I'm not just talking about how good he sounds either, I'm talking about his message. He is so honest about how following Christ is hard. It's not easy and he said if it's easy, you may have to doublecheck to see if you're really following Christ. Also, he has a social conscience, which is refreshing to see in a Christian. He feels the conflict of so many of we Christians in today's culture. Those of us who don't want to be stereotyped as always being right wing, hating gays, wanting to execute everyone, and just hating anyone who disagrees with Republican agenda. There are those of us who look around at what's going on in the world and then try to reconcile the message of Christ and go, "Huh?" So many Christians (and I include myself here) have been guilty of letting others deal with our social issues when so many of the issues are clearly our responsibility to take action against. The poor, for example. We're supposed to take care of them, but we can't get our hands dirty or hold back a few dollars to give to someone in need. What is our problem???? Derek has this song called Rich Young Ruler and it speaks to the very heart of this issue. It just plain speaks to my heart. Here are the lyrics. Let them speak to you:

Rich Young Ruler

(vs. 1)
poverty is so hard to see
when it’s only on your tv and twenty miles across town
where we’re all living so good
that we moved out of Jesus’ neighborhood
where he’s hungry and not feeling so good
from going through our trash
he says, more than just your cash and coin
i want your time, i want your voice
i want the things you just can’t give me

(vs. 2)
so what must we do
here in the west we want to follow you
we speak the language and we keep all the rules
even a few we made up
come on and follow me
but sell your house, sell your suv
sell your stocks, sell your security
and give it to the poor
what is this, hey what’s the deal
i don’t sleep around and i don’t steal
i want the things you just can’t give me

because what you do to the least of these
my brother’s, you have done it to me
because i want the things you just can’t give me


i'll blog about another of his songs tomorrow.

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