Tuesday, October 31, 2006


it all started with a couple sneezes at work yesterday and by the time i left work, i had a full blown sore throat. dang it! i haven't been sick in who knows when. the irony is that i just started taking this wellness supplement that is supposed to BOOST my immune system. i just remembered that dear old dad had a cold this past weekend. thanks dad! so this morning, my head is aching. i would love to just crawl up in my bed (really, what morning would i not like to do this?) but i only have 6 hours of PTO time left until the end of the year so i'm going to have to buck up and get over this quickly. hopefully, i can find some soup to eat for lunch today. mmmmm soup. we all know soup makes everything better. well, soup and Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Ozzy Chambers bit this morning.. I really appreciate the clarification that faith is so much more than the emotional enjoyment of experiencing God's blessings.. IT AIN'T ALL A BAG OF CHOCOLATES!! I hope your cold gets better.. Probably a 24 hour bug.. Water and OJ constantly.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your cold; that's a bummer. It is ridiculous how annoying a cold can be. Murph is right...lots of fluids.
Although your dad got you sick during your visit home, I'm glad you got to see the beautiful leaves this past weekend! We're having a more colorful fall here than normal (so they tell us) but it's nothing like western N.C.
Amy O.